Real Time Lesson Management

Teacher in class application

The aim of the in-class teacher application is to allow for the level of flexibility and supervision teachers have in the classroom and beyond. When the teachers start a session, the app automatically sets up one-on-one conversations between students from the right classes (from opposite classes). The teachers are then presented with a monitoring dashboard which alerts them to possible problems students may be having in their conversation, such as a student missing or no conversation taking place between students. The teachers can quickly move into their students’ conversations in order to deal with whatever may arise. Natural language processing will allow the app to alert teachers in case there is suspicious activity in the conversation, such as profanity or raised voices. The app automatically deals with noises by recommending that the teacher spread students out more to reduce noise level or by transitioning students to a voice recording conversation or even to chat. At the end of the session teachers receive analytics about their class and students, such as time spoken, fluency and feedback from the students on their experience in the session.

  Student App               

Classpeak students have an app which allows them to join the class created by their teacher as well as specific sessions using a session-specific code. Students have limited control of the app itself, they mainly transition between screens when the teacher decides to move them into a room with a partner or back into whole group instruction. Each lesson will come with a set of scaffolds such as activity instructions, sentence starters and useful vocabulary students can access from their conversation screen during their interaction. At the end of each session Classpeak provides analytics and recordings of students’ conversation which can be accessed by students at teacher discretion.